Contact your local team

Approaching a new build project of any scale is a daunting experience. Understanding where to start, who to involve and what steps to take, it can feel complicated and overwhelming.

You may have your own plans drawn up or just have some ideas of what you like or need.

Regardless of what stage you are currently at, our team will guide you through our four-step process so you feel confident that we are in fact designing and building your dream.

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Making your dream home plan a reality alongside our team of experts.

We can’t create your dream without first understanding what it is! Working together, we will listen to your wish list, your must-haves and must-nots and provide inspiration and ideas as well as our vast experience in building homes that people love.

Your building consultant and designer will guide you through the ‘Create’ stage. This is the fun part, where the expertise and enthusiasm of our specialists take you step by step through options and you will see your dreams and ideas start to come together into a blueprint.

The first crucial step is getting our boots on the ground and reviewing everything there is to know about your chosen site. We look at the land itself and explore plan options within the site, an important step that will help us produce an optimised and scaled site plan.

By taking the time to consider details up front such as your lifestyle, your family’s schedule and your preferred style of fittings and fixtures, your final design and build home will reflect both your needs and your budget.

We bring multiple options to the table so you can create your bespoke environment that reflects your lifestyle and taste. What works for one Classic Builders client, will not work for another. We get this and we work with you to select everything from materials for flooring and cabinetry to the location of tapware and storage cupboards.

With cost being a factor for everyone, the detailed work we do in this part of the planning means that our plans and pricing will be accurate and efficient before we move onto the next stage.

From this point, our designers will start work on your ‘working drawings’. These are a vital ingredient in the process and will be the plans that the builders will use onsite as they transform an empty section into your beautiful new home.


The power of a masterpiece is in the finishing touches

The finer details of a house make it your home. Colour is a great way to express yourself and flex your creative muscle. Seasonal trends provide some great inspiration and colour will allow you to change your environment.

Our colour experts understand the impact of colour on enhancing a mood or an atmosphere. From reflecting nature to highlighting a special feature, a subtle hue can transform a space. We will offer tips, ideas and experiences to nurture your experience. There may even be a few surprises that make this step even more rewarding!

Communication is the important tool to keep the momentum going. Our team will be engaging with external stakeholders as well as updating you on progress. We will offer tip. Your feedback is an important to us through this time so don’t be afraid to ask questions and share your opinions at any point of the process.

From a practical perspective, we will be working in the background with suppliers and the council to keep the process moving forward. While you use your creative flair, we will be securing consents and scheduling suppliers to prepare for the next stage.

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From drawings to three-dimensional construction, your dream is realised.

Nothing is more exciting than seeing your site transform as the build gets underway. Your building consultant will introduce you to your construction manager who will manage your process from this point. This will happen at your pre-construction meeting.

Classic Builders values the health and safety of everyone on site and your construction manager will brief you on site protocols and will run you through the steps as they progress. It is their job to oversee the build which includes coordinating suppliers and subcontractors and keeping you up to date.

Your construction manager is constantly ensuring the build is being completed to our high standard and you will be invited to meet onsite at critical milestones to cast your eyes over everything to ensure it meets your standards too.

We will also bring in the experts yet again. Our Quality Assurance team will be casting their experienced eagle eyes over the finest of details. A building site can be a very busy place and every one of our pool of contractors and tradies are briefed about our Classic Code and are overseen throughout the entire period of construction.

As we move towards the exciting handover date, we are as excited as you are to see your home emerge and start to look like the final product that reflects all the meticulous planning.


Congratulations, your vision is now a tangible, liveable experience.

At Classic Builders, nothing beats a handover day. Passing on the keys to the home you have designed and built, your construction manager and your building consultant will be there to congratulate you and walk you through all of the unique features you have created together.

While you may think this is where our journey ends, you will be happy to know that we are waiting in the wings while you settle into your new home. Things may need some tweaking as you move through the seasons and experience the components of your build in real life!

You will be given important details about appliances, specialist trades and any additional product warrantees that are relevant. You will also receive all of the final documentation that you may need to share with all important stakeholders such as banks and insurance companies.

We will keep in touch regularly with catch-ups scheduled at three, twelve and twenty four month marks. While everything may be perfect, we want to know if it isn’t and our After Care service is on standby to repair, repaint or do anything that isn’t quite perfect. We pride ourselves on our accountability and accessibility so encourage you to stay in touch with us.

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